May and June: The Season of Gifting Galore!

AD - This post was written in collaboration with

Is it just me, or do May and June feel like a gift-giving marathon? Birthdays, Mother's Day, anniversaries—you name it, my calendar is packed with celebrations. Naturally, I'm always on the hunt for the perfect present around this time of year. This year, I'm revisiting an old favorite: beauty boxes.

Once upon a time, I was obsessed with subscription boxes. They were like a treasure trove of beauty goodies at a bargain price, perfect for anyone with a love for makeup. However, as I've grown older (and maybe a tad wiser), the thrill of surprise has lost some of its shine. Now, I'm all about sustainability and thoughtful choices. I don't want to end up with a box of products that I'll never use, no matter how great the deal.

I still love a good bargain, but now I want to know exactly what I'm getting. Enter Notino. They totally get it. Their beauty boxes, which they refresh regularly, cater to every budget and taste. I'm a fan of their boxes full of luxury samples, filled with miniatures of high-end products. These are perfect for travel and let me try new things without splurging on full-sized items that might not work for me.

After a tough job transition recently, I decided to treat myself. I picked up a luxury beauty box featuring miniatures of Prada La Femme perfume, Lash Idole Mascara, and L'Absolu Rouge Intimatte lipstick from LancĂ´me. With some travel on the horizon and my commitment to low-budget, light packing (hello, handbag-only low budget travel), these miniatures are a dream.

The Prada perfume? Absolutely gorgeous and delightfully feminine. It's right in line with my usual scents like Burberry London and Lalique's Soleil. I've reviewed the mascara before, so check out my thoughts on that in an earlier post. The lipstick, while a bit out of my usual color range, is Lancome, and I'm excited to give it a whirl.

So, if you're like me and navigating a season of celebrations, consider a beauty box. It's a fun, thoughtful gift that’s sure to delight any beauty lover in your life (including yourself!).

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