Není moc produktů, kterým bych i přes celkový pozitivní dojem a kladné recenze neměla co vytknout. Nicméně Moringa Cleansing Balm od Emmy Hardie je jednou z mála výjimek. O existenci
tohoto produktu nebo dokonce značce jsem neměla ani potuchy až do chvíle, kdy mi Notino nabídlo tuhle značku otestovat. V rámci vzdělávání se, jsem přečetla nespočet článků o Emmě Hardie a recenzí na právě výše zmíněný čistící balzám a musím říct, že i přes poměrně vysokou cenu má Moringa Cleansing Balm snad to nejlepší hodnocení na celém internetu. A po několik týdnech jeho používání se tomu ani nedivím.
There are not that many products out there I would have nothing
negative to tell about despite of giving them a good review. There is always at
least one little thing that bothers me, however, Moringa Cleansing Balm from
Emma Hardie is one of the very few products that I love unconditionally. I must
admit I did not even know this brand exists until Notino offered me some Emma Hardie products to review. Of course, I agreed and as a part of my research for
this post, I have come across many articles, posts and reviews of the Moringa
Cleansing Balm and I have to say that I have never seen a product that would
have such a positive response. And after a few weeks of using it myself, I am
not surprised people love it so much.

Moringa Cleansing balm je první a zároveň nejpopulárnější produkt, se kterým Emma Hardie přišla na trh. Nabízí tak čistou pleť s nálepkou cruelty free, SLS free a paraben free. Je to zároveň jediný produkt od této značky, který není veganský, protože obsahuje malé množství včelího vosku. Mimo jiné je šetrnější k životnímu prostředí, protože se obejde bez jednorázových vatových tampónků a namísto toho se balzám používá s mušelínovým hadříkem, který je součástí balení a dá se používat pořád dokola.
Moringa Cleansing
balm is the first and at the same time the most popular product Emma Hardie
came up with. This balm is cruelty-free, SLS free and paraben-free. It is the
only product from this brand that is not vegan because it contains a small
amount of bee vax. It is also fairly environment-friendly because single-use cotton
pads are replaced with a dual muslin cloth that comes with the balm. This cloth can
be used all over again.

The use is very
simple. Spread a small amount of the balm across you face and massage it all
over your skin. Despite being quite dense, the balm is very easy to spread because
it melts into an oil-based liquid. Then take a dual muslin cloth and soak it in
a warm water. Then take the wet cloth and stroke you face removing the balm
with all the dirt and makeup from your skin. The use a tonic, serum and
moisturiser as usual.

I personally love using this balm. I was trying to
introduce similar cleansing balms into my skincare routine before (to stop replace the single-use cotton pads), but nothing really
worked for me as no other balm was this easy to spread and it never removed my
makeup completely. The Moringa Cleansing Balm is something else. It removes any
makeup perfectly including waterproof makeup. It hydrates and nourishes as well
and despite being oily it does not break my skin out or clogs my pores (any
more than they are lol). It leaves my skin soft and nice to touch. On top of it,
it smells heavenly, although it is quite strong scent. I would recommend
despite its higher price. You do not need to use much of it so it will last for
a few months (well, let’s see).

You can buy many products from Emma Hardie from With Christmas slowly approaching, I would recommend the Emma Hardie Starter Kit that contains 50 ml size of the Moringa Cleansing Balm, famous Midas Touch Creal, cleansing cloth and cosmetic bag.

túto značku nepoznám ale vyzerá naozaj dobre :)
Je naprosto parádní. Mám ještě dva krémy, které budu od této značky recenzovat :)